The incessant rains and overflowing rivers caused heavy flooding in the state of Assam.The floods washed away houses and caused heavy losses to crops and livestock.As the people affected by the floods are trying to come to terms with the loss, Minhaj Interfaith & Welfare Foundation is providing relief material in the worst flood-affected areas.
On 31st May 2016 , MIWF team delivered Relief consisting of Ration food packets and Tin shades to families in the following areas:
- Patarkandi (Karimganj District)
- Levarputa (Cahaer district)
- Algapur (Hailakandi district)
The relief materials are the first batch reaching Assam with the help of MIWF volunteeers from Kolkata.The MIWF team co-ordinated the relief effort with the help of local MQI teams.
The beneficiaries of the effort included both Muslim and Hindu families.