We appeal for funds regarding this noble initiative.
MIWF is dedicated and strives to provide all welfare services and help the people of India in general without discriminating against religion, caste, creed, or gender.
Construction of Markazi Idara in the Valley of Kashmir
The people of Kashmir hold immense potential for educational excellence, motivated by their resilience and determination. Their dedication to building an educated society rooted in harmony and unity amongst everyone is unparalleled. However, regardless their educational wants, the lack of basic infrastructure has significantly hindered their progress development.
Minhaj Interfaith & Welfare Foundation (MIWF) is spearheading efforts to establish – Markazi Idara—a community center which will work as a focal point for regular educational needs, leaders meetings, and progressive conferences. This initiative also includes a hostel to support the academic ambitions of hardworking and dedicated boys who admire to become successful in every sphere of life.
While land acquisition has been successfully completed and construction was initiated, work has come to a standstill due to insufficient funds. As a result, students are but to study under the open sky, a condition made even more difficult during the harsh winters and snowfall.
To complete this significant project, ₹1 crore is urgently needed. This Markazi Idara will not only provide a space for learning but also act as a catalyst for fostering an educated and empowered community in the valley.
Almighty Allah commands:
“And help one another in acts of righteousness and piety” (‘ta’awaunu ‘ala al-birri wa al-taqwa, Qur’an, 5:2)