Help Feed

Please donate for MIWF HelpFeed Project

Minhaj Interfaith & Welfare Foundation (MIWF) HELP FEED project would be carried out across various cities and villages of India to help enable poor families to carry out their religious obligations without worrying about food for Sehri and Iftar. MIWF volunteers would find out needy families among locals and deliver food packs at their doorstep or ask them to collect their Food Packs from central point.


The Food Packs typically consist of the following:
Rice, flour, sugar, salt, dates, cooking oil, tea and pulses.
(Some Items may change according to the regions staple dietary needs).

Our Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) said :

“Whoever provides food for breaking of the fast for a fasting person receives the reward of the fasting person, without the reward of the fasting person being reduced in any way.” – Tirmidhi & Ibn Majah

Therefore, the benefits of donating towards this cause is not only to the receiver of the food packs, but rather an opportunity for the giver to receive reward to help him/her in this life and the hereafter.

Please donate your contributions in the following account with comments HelpFeed

Account Name : Minhaj Ul Quran International India
Account Number : 00797630000149
IFSC Code : HDFC0000079
Bank : HDFC Bank Ltd., Linking Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai.